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Rev. Mialena Zachary, CRMT, M.Msc.

What is ‘Mental Dancing’?
It’s the lifting of mood, a clarity of thought, and the hope of better.
It’s an easing of anxiety, a pause from stress, a releasing of pain.
It’s the feeling that your life is (finally) moving upward and forward.
It’s waking up each and every day believing you have options.
Mental Dancing is a state of BEING
and it is everything that I wish for you.

My Areas of Brilliance
Seeing the biggest picture.
Knowing where the pieces go.
Reframing old paradigms.
Asking the right questions.
Seeking intuitive guidance.
Recognizing potential.
Imagining new possibilities.
Looking beyond the obvious.
Approaching from all sides.
Holding a vision of success.

In Their Own Words
If you feel "F*ck YES" then let's deal with your shiFt.
If you're not sure, here are two free ways to work with me:

Mon, Tues, Thurs & Sat -- US Eastern Time
Zoom, Phone; & Charlottesville, VA
Email: Mia@ MentalDancing .com
Text Message: 702-763-2738
Before you feel like you're between a cliff wall and a crashing wave, you are more than welcome to attend a group coaching circle; schedule an enquiry call, or ask me questions via this form.