I'm Mia
Your Guide to Self Discovery
I'm an intuitive counselor and natural healer living in Charlottesville, VA. My work in the world is to lead people toward healing and happiness. In my holistic wellness practice, we focus on clearing away obstacles to your potential, discovering your purpose, and then stepping into new possibilities.
Let's Deal with Your shiFt.

How Pain Became My Super-power
I was 5 the first time my father beat me with his belt. After that, Daddy became the center of my whole world: How was his mood? Did his voice just change? What did that facial expression mean? Was I smelling Jack Daniels or Jim Beam? (That mattered.)
40 years later, when I discovered traditional Japanese energy balancing, the gifts of my upbringing—hypervigilance, attention deficit disorder, and high-functioning anxiety—became my superpowers as a Reiki Practitioner, Metaphysical Minister, Psychic Channel, and Intuitive Counselor.
Thanks to my overdeveloped empathy and accelerated executive-function processing, I’m great at micro-monitoring situations; conducting threat assessments; observing multiple stimuli all at once; and compassionate hyper-focused dynamic problem-solving.
Through my work, I now empower other people to change their experience via their mindset and energy... READY?
I'm the type of Person who seeks the good in everything, no matter how deeply buried or how covered in muck and tears.
I'm also the kind of Coach who tells you when there's spinach in your teeth or when I think you're bullshitting yourself.
I'm the type of Counselor who will remind you there's a lot right with you; that your own way is often the best way, and that you're a beautiful intelligent soul having a human experience.
I'm the type of Healer who will read your energy field and then intuitively guide you back to the source of your own answers.
I respect Processes, and adore Rituals, but I'm also solutions-oriented. I look forward instead of dwelling on what has failed.
I know from experience that faster can work just as well as slow.
I empower you to remember that you yourself created the obstacles and that you are able to make small but significant changes that have a ripple effect throughout your life.

My Areas of Expertise
I am a Lightwarrior.
I am a Faithkeeper.
I am a Truthholder.
I am a Wayshower.
An intuitively channeled technique using Divine Feminine energy along with empathy and intuition to facilitate natural healing.
Creator, Master Practitioner , Teacher
A transmitted method of directing energy into or out of power centers in all levels of the body.
Creator, Master Practitioner
An energy medicine modality using elemental frequencies for energy assessment and chakra realignment.
Creator, Master Practitioner, Teacher
A relational approach and guiding belief that God is in everything and everything is in God.
Minister, Master of Metaphysical Theology
The traditional Japanese healing art using crown chakra energy and hand positions to promote healing.
Certified Master Teacher
A healing method using root chakra energy and intentional technique to clear energetic blockages.
Certified Master Teacher
A system which utilizes semi-precious gemstones and sacred geometry to balance lifeforce energy.
Certified Practitioner
A healing modality using breathwork techniques to amplify lifeforce energy and encourage healing.
Certified Practitioner
As a minority woman, I am committed to helping every client, student, and practitioner feel seen, heard, and included. I am blessed to be of service to you, and will always lead with respect and tolerance.
I welcome transparent communication that helps challenge assumptions regarding race, ethnicity, national origin, age, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, relationship status, and developmental ability.